Ashan Malalasekera

Group Chairman, Arinma Holdings

Business, Strategy & Entrepreneurship | Corporate Consulting, Infrastructure/ Real Estate, Strategy

Ashan Malalasekera


Ashan Malalasekera is the Group Chairman at Arinma Holdings, a leading Project Management, Consultancy, and Advisory company that specializes in Planning, Detailed Designing, Contract Management, and Construction Supervision. Additionally, he is also the Senior Management Professional of Ceywater Consultants, a reputed engineering consultancy and design company. Ashan holds diversified and extensive working experience in the Media, Non-Governmental, Social Development, and Private Sectors. Mr Malalasekera has worked in senior management positions for UNESCO, USAID, Development Alternative Inc., and MAS Holdings, and has spent considerable time in Israel and Japan as part of his work. He has been a part of this profession for more than a decade now. Ashan is a winner of Sri Lanka's Outstanding Young Person Award (TOYP) and is a Founder Trustee of both the Foundation of Goodness and the Malalasekera Foundation. He is also the Honorary President of the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (Sri Lanka).